
10 steps to prepare you for your travels

Over the next 10 weeks, I’ll be releasing my top 10 things to do to prepare you for your travels. This blog series is intended to up skill you in all the things you’ll want to do before you depart for your adventure. Remember departing for your adventure doesn’t have to be from your hometown, it can be from anywhere in the world. Just keep in mind that wherever you’re going, and whatever you’re doing, having some sense of what you’re planning to do before you depart will make it less likely you encounter unforeseen issues but also give you a better capacity to handle them if they do arise.


Thou shalt travel sustainably, preserve yourself and your environments, leave no trace and nurture nature.


Thou shalt trust in thy own judgements but always remain on guard and wary of the surrounds.


Thou shalt use thy wits, determination and intelligence to minimize your mental and physical load in order to travel as freely as possible.


Thou shalt engage with nature and communities with care and always treat them with kindness.