You practically need to be a minimalist when you travel, as you can't take everything with you, yet there's so much to do, book, visit, meet, catch up with, see, make, and experience that it's sometimes overwhelming figuring out how you'll fit it all in... and still enjoy it!
You practically need to be a minimalist when you travel, as you can't take everything with you, yet there's so much to do, book, visit, meet, catch up with, see, make, and experience that it's sometimes overwhelming figuring out how you'll fit it all in... and still enjoy it!
This is where your shrewdness comes in. Your capacity to discern and prioritize are critical when traveling, as are your capacities to detect both opportunities and danger!
The truth is that this skill takes a bit of time to develop… and if I’m honest… will almost certainly involve some mistakes that will make you feel like an idiot and have you swearing in the moment, but later on saying, “Well, lucky that didn’t go any worse!”
Shrewdness is you capacity identify resources available at your disposal that will help you make the most of the opportunities, or most effectively manage the challenges, that present themselves to you as you drift from place to place.
Like any learned ability, you can either learn by stuffing it up yourself and learning from your mistakes, or by listening to others who have come before you…
That’s what this page is for…Der!
My first recommendation when it comes to developing a set of shrewd skills to help you travel is also this principle’s…
Challenge: Don’t be afraid to STUFF UP!
Stuffing up is a part of life, and thus is a part of travel. In fact, you should expect to stuff up MORE when you travel. Becoming shrewd is a journey of experiences, a mixture of mates and misery that, if you pay attention, gives you all the information necessary to avoid repeating your former mistakes.
With enough practice, eventually you’ll be able to preempt what’s likely to happen and respond effectively to avoid the misery.